A Decade of Successful Public Service

For the past decade I have served as a member of Greenville City Council representing District 3 and most recently as Mayor Pro Tem. During this time I have had the pleasure of representing some of the most dynamic, caring, and dedicated constituents who have become my family. I have also worked with some of the most talented staff and public servants across the country. After the loss of my father, 2019 is a year of transition and infinite possibilities. I am excited to start a new job that gives me global experience and the ability to help work through public-private partnerships. Because of all the changes and my new professional commitments, I will not be seeking re-election to the District 3 seat.

I ran for City Council in 2009 to continue to make strides towards Affordable Housing, Quality of Life, and Equity & Inclusion. As a result we have helped secure millions of additional dollars for affordable housing, increased landbanking to provide for future affordable units, and helped fund the Greenville Housing Fund. Multi-million dollar investments have been made to improve parks & recreation including the newly renovated David Hellams Community Center, neighborhood parks throughout the city, and beginning the Cleveland Park revitalization. We have worked tirelessly to positively impact the good people of the City of Greenville.

This work has been led with love, dedication, and commitment. My decision to not seek re-election was not taken lightly and involved prayer, consultation, and even tears. I will continue to be an advocate for the City of Greenville as a citizen, at least for the foreseeable future. Greenville continues to grow and thrive because we are innovative and creative. New leadership brings new ideas. New leadership, grounded in history brings stability. I proudly endorse and stand behind Attorney Ken Gibson as he seeks to represent the good people of District 3. Thank you for a decade of service!   

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain